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A few FAQs to help make counselling easier for you:


How much do sessions cost?

Sessions are $150.00 per session. 

What is your cancellation policy?

If a client cancels within 24 hours from their appointment (24 hours or less) than clients will be billed the full rate ($150.00). If the session is able to be filled by another client on the wait list, all fees will be waived. 

Are your services covered by insurance?

Many insurance companies provide coverage for counselling services provided by a registered MSW or Qualified Social Worker. Each insurance plan varies in what they are willing to provide; therefore, clients are encouraged to contact their insurance provider or Human Resources Department to determine:

     1) If my services are covered under your current plan

     2) The number of sessions you are permitted and/or the maximum dollar amount that you have coverage for 

Do you provide direct billing?

Direct Billing is available for those with Blue Cross, Canada Life, Desjardins, Maulife (some restrictions apply) and NHIB. If using direct billing and your plan only covers a certain percentage of the plan (i.e. 80%), than you will be required to pay the remaining amount at the time of our session (i.e. via e-transfer or credit card). For all other insurance plans where direct billing is not available, you will be required to pay the full amount at the time of your session and a receipt will be provided so that you can send it to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

What if I don't have insurance coverage?

If you or your family do not have insurance, you are invited to still contact me to discuss what services and supports can be arranged as Oak and Cedar does have some reduced rates and payment plans for those without insurance. 

How long does a session last?

Most sessions are 55 minutes in length. For children and adolescents who have a difficult time attending sessions for a full hour, various techniques and adaptations will be made to meet their emotional, social needs and ensure a safe, supportive counselling session for them. This may include having their sessions be 45 minutes and including a short parent debrief or parenting session at the end.

How many sessions will I need?

The simple answer to this question is I don't know. Change does not happen overnight and each person's journey to restore their wellness and renew hope and peace in their life is different. For some, change can begin in as little as 3-4 sessions and they may feel ready to terminate services by session 7 or 8. For others, the journey may take longer. For every client, you have full control to end counselling or change the frequency of our sessions at any time.

Will anyone find out I am attending counselling?

No (unless you personally disclose to them). I am ethically and legally required to provide confidential services to clients. 

Why do you take notes during sessions?

1) The stories and insights you share hold meaning, value and importance. Taking notes helps me remember and piece together new insights that I feel may be beneficial to you.

2) It ensures that I do not interrupt. Interrupting can be distracting to you, causing you to lose your train of thought, withdraw from the conversation, feel flustered or annoyed - all of which can impede your journey to wellness. When this occurs, I will write down one or two keywords to help me remember my own thoughts at a time when it is helpful and supportive for me to share.

*You may request to view your notes at anytime. These documents, though confidential from others, are a part of. your health records and are available upon request. Any written documentation is kept protected through a double password and encrypted storage system and can only be shared with others upon your written informed consent.

Do I need a prescription or referral for services?

You do not require a referral or prescription to access my services; however, I have heard of some insurance plans requiring a doctor's/nurse practitioners note in order to receive coverage for sessions. Please check your insurance plan prior to setting up our first appointment to determine if this is a requirement for you.

How do I prepare for counselling?

In recognizing that your wellness or faith is not where you want it to be and you desire to make some positive changes in your life, you've already done most of the preparation! Prior to your first session though, you will be required to complete the Intake Package as well as contact your insurance plan to determine coverage. Prior to follow up sessions, there many be certain "homework" tasks or activities suggested and you are encouraged to complete these prior to our next session. 

I've been in counselling before, but it didn't work. What will make this time different?

You may not like my answer to this question . . . I don't know. I do believe that the first time we attend counselling can be overwhelming, and sometimes knowing we need help does not necessarily mean we are emotionally ready to make the changes we need to make. Your decision to access counselling again is a sign of strength, perseverance and dedication to your own journey to wellness and I am committed to providing guidance, tools and encouragement to help you reach your wellness goals.

Am I allowed to stay with my child during their counselling session?

Yes...but I do encourage he child to make that decision, and ask that Parents/Guardians respect their child's decision to meet with me on their own.


At Oak & Cedar Counselling Services, the process for Children under the age of 16 may look like:

In the beginning the initial appointment is often with the Parent/Guardian only. This is because:

 1. The Parent/Guardian must sign or review the consent for services.       

 2. The Parent/Guardian has a deep understanding of the challenges their child is facing. Often the Parent/Guardian             is the one who has requested the counselling support for their child and has a clear vision for the goals of   


3. Having just the Parent/Guardian attend the first session allows for the parent to be as open and transparent as

    they need without having to worry about their child's presence.

Following this first appointment, the Parent/Guardian and the child are invited to attend session 2 together; however, if your child feels comfortable meeting alone, then this will be encouraged and the parent will be asked to wait in the waiting room. Further sessions are usually with just your child, and I will meet with the Parent/Guardian briefly at the end of each session if needed. We will schedule a review every 3-4 sessions, between parent/guardian and myself, to generally discuss progress and any new concerns or celebrations. These reviews can occur over the phone, in person or virtual.

 *Please note that I discuss the concept of confidentiality with all children under 16 to ensure they understand the scope of my counselling services and what they can expect from me. Additionally, your child and I will complete a separate intake form together during their first session, one that allows them to openly discuss why they feel they are in counselling and what their own goals, hopes are.

* As per provincial health guidelines surrounding age of consent, any adolescent over the age of 16 provides their own consent for treatment*

What is Confidentiality?

Confidentiality covers several items. 

 1. I will only disclose information as it pertains to safety (i.e. self-harm, suicide, abuse) unless a Release of Information

    has been signed (with the exception of your insurance company if you are requesting direct billing or


2. I will ensure all notes taking during our sessions remain secure at all times.

3. I will provide a counselling environment that (to the best of my ability in a multidisciplinary building) is free from     

   distractions and ensures our conversations cannot be interrupted or overheard. 

What is Informed Consent?

Informed Consent is given when it is determined that you:

     * Understand what counselling is

     * Understand why you are engaging in counselling (or why counselling has been recommended)

     * Understand the risks of both accessing and not accessing counselling

     * Understand the rights and responsibilities of both client and therapist

     * Understand the parameters of confidentiality

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